Enniskillen Event 11 to 13 October 2024

We had a brilliant rally last weekend at the Model Primary School, Enniskillen; Co. Fermanagh where a large number of motorhomes were in attendance. Hosts for this rally were the Coalter’s and the Fluke’s. Everyone gathered in the hall on Friday night for a game of Friendly Bingo - Lindsey called the numbers and kept the show on the road! Music followed by DJ Norman. 

On Saturday, members were free to do their own thing; although in the afternoon a vast number of our gentlemen members’ met in the hall to master a few steps of Line Dancing (led by a few of our lady members) – everyone enjoyed themselves and had a ball! Saturday night, we met again at the hall for our usual get - together, which included a few drinks, company and music by DJ Norman. The men put on a great display of their skills by talking to the floor to showcase their line dancing moves! Lindsey interrupted the music and dancing at one point to announce the quiz winners, as ‘The Coalters’ had to leave first thing on Sunday morning due to Robert having to be admitted to Altnagelvin Hospital on Sunday afternoon for surgery first thing Monday morning. There had been a good number of quizzes returned and Raymond Elliott was asked to pick the winning entry – Patrick McAvoy AKA ‘Lord of the Manor’ won and was presented with a prize by Noeleen Fluke and Hannah won the children’s quiz. 

On Sunday morning, Jack and the committee tended to our coffee morning and Noeleen and Alan Fluke provided biscuits, wheaten bread and cheese. Thank you to everyone who was in attendance for your company and craic – looking forward to our next event!

Lindsey Coalter