The Ramblers Motorhome Club Event Report for Old Year New Year Party.

 30 December 2023 to 1 January 2024. 

The Ramblers event to celebrate the New Year took place at Lisburn Rugby Football Club. Saturday 30th December started off with torrential rain but in the afternoon the rain stopped and the hosts Enda & Flo and David & Bridget welcomed the motorhomes as they turned out in force. Everyone was in good form and looking forward to a great weekend. Saturday night started off with everyone meeting up in the clubhouse. The craic was ninety as we caught up with our friends. 

Sunday is a day of rest so most people did just that but a few did venture out to the nearby shopping outlets at Sprucefield. 

Sunday night we all gathered in the hall to see out to old year and ring in the new. Gary and Joe provided the music and we happily danced our way from 23 to 24. Nibbles and hot food were provided during the evening by a few intrepid chefs. During the evening David thanked Enda and Flo for organising and hosting this event, because they would be unable to attend coffee morning as they were leaving early on Monday morning to catch the ferry to Spain for a holiday. We wish them safe travels.  The music and dancing went on into the small hours. The atmosphere was great and everyone enjoyed themselves. 

Monday morning was Coffee Morning with the tea, coffee and biscuits provided by Jack and his team of helpers. David wished all a happy New Year. He thanked Gary and Joe for the music and thanked Jack and his team for the coffee morning refreshments. He told us Geraldine was looking after hosting and anyone willing to host an event should contact her. He said seven new members had joined the club this weekend and Gary had membership forms for anyone that needed one. He concluded by saying he hoped to see everyone at our next event in Magherafelt and wished all a safe journey home. 

The New Year celebration by The Ramblers Motorhome Club not only celebrated the arrival of a new year, it encapsulated the essence of friendship, and community. It also provided a platform for members to connect, share experiences, and forge lasting bonds. 

The next event is at St Pius X College, Magherafelt starting at 5pm on Friday 19 January. 
