At about 5.00pm we all started to arrive at the beautiful De La Salle High School for our St. Patrick's Day Event. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been there a few times and, with the aid Tom Tom's finest and most up to date technology I still felt a certain pride well within me as I triumphantly entered the gates. It is quite a complicated street system on the way in. I really need this “What 3 Words”.
In any case Eddie and Anthony Parked everyone up whilst Margaret and Geraldine took care of the paperwork.
A Big crowd gathered in the hall for Friday night’s festivities. The Little Promotions had traditional and appropriate music all evening with breaks for “Last Man Standing” and “Coin Throwing”. The last three men standing were Bertie McGaughey, Anthony Brown and Norman Willis. However, the outright winner was Bertie McGaughey who graciously put his winnings straight into the Defibrillator fund. Well, done Bertie but I hope you never need the benefit of it. Now the Coin throwing. When I see a large group of people queuing up to throw pound coins at a bottle of whiskey, I remember the immortal words of my mother (RIP) “A fool and his money is easily parted.” Ben Young was no fool as he was the marksman on the night. (Well, that was that)
Unfortunately, Saturday turned out wet (Well, we need a bit of rain) so even the short walk to the town proved too much for most so a cosy day at home was probably the best option.
Saturday night was a real eye-opener again with Joe and Gary provided great music on that sound system provided be Gary, it’s just so professional. We had a break for the Raffle, the proceeds of which are for the defibrillator. Norman Willis conducted same with his own inimitable charm and decorum. There were many great prizes not least a beautiful Model Irish Cottage which was won by Evey Pirie who also returned it to enable its use to go towards the defibrillator.
Roley McIntyre conducted an auction with the sole lot being the model cottage. After some strong bidding and equally strong persuading the hammer fell at £80.00. Good luck to the successful bidder.
Now it’s time for the best dressed table. Well, if you asked me about the lines of a horse, I might have a clue, but Best Dressed Table!!!! All the tables were spectacular, but the one picked by the judges was the table decorated by the Dyer family and friends. Well, done.
Now comes the interesting part. One of our members has been suffering, hips and knees, very painful. Now here is the question, did he sneak out during last night and travel the short way to Struell Wells for an overnight dip in the healing waters. Everyone there on Saturday night saw a dancer emerge from the crowd and perform an, if not traditional Irish dance, an extremely energetic one.
Sunday morning coffee morning was hosted by our vice-chairman Joe Little who thanked everyone for their efforts not least of all Eddie, Margaret, Anthony and Geraldine, a big clap here, brilliant hosts.
Now please let me add. Best dressed table... Here it was Coffee, Tea, and an array of pastries to dazzle the eye of any judge. Well, Well done hosts.
Safe home and hope to see you all at Donaghadee.
Enda, Flo and Pepper.
Please see photos in Gallery